Easter at C3

Good Friday caves beach

This Easter at C3 at Caves Beach we have our Good Friday one hour service at 9am. A reflective and honouring service remembering and celebrating what Jesus has done for us.

Our Resurrection Sunday service is at 10am. An uplifting celebration of the King. A family friendly service with an Easter egg hunt and Rock Climbing at the end.

Our weekly service is at 10am on a Sunday at 1 Kayuga Close, Caves Beach. During the school term we have kids church (during the message at our 10am service), kids club (Fridays 3:30-5pm) and Youth group (7:30pm Friday’s).

We also have a service for the over 50’s called Salt on a Thursday.

Our Rock Climbing Gym is open to everyone all week too.

We’d love to connect with you at some point.

You are loved!

Click here for more info on what to expect at C3SB.