Day 26 – The Helmet

The Helmet of Salvation is the knowledge that no matter what life throws at you, you are saved – body, soul and spirit.

Although primarily a defensive weapon (like the others so far) the helmet (and the others) could be used for offense.

With a great big spike on the top of the helmet, not only did it protect the brain, but could be used to attack the enemy.

Our knowledge of salvation brings comfort, brings security, brings peace and a secure identity, all which closes doors to the enemy. Anger, bitterness, unforgiveness etc opens them.

We fight knowing in the end we win.

We fight knowing that God is on our side.

We fight knowing the creator of the universe died for our sins, for our wholeness, for our salvation.

If we truly understand this, it changes our belief at our very core.

And really that is what we truly need to see positive, lasting change in our lives.

Repent – Metanoia – Think Bigger – from the perspective of Heaven.

Day 27 – The Sword