Day 4 – Metanoia

The last few days, we have hopefully begun to change our thoughts on want God want’s for our lives. That it’s okay and in fact expected that we believe for, pray for and hope for good outcomes in our life.

That Jesus, the Son of God actually wants us to live to the full!

This is what the Bible calls repentance.

Metanoia is the greek word for repent. Meta means beyond or transcending and noia refers to how we think.
It’s a changing of how we think.

It’s about thinking bigger, differently.

It’s 100% about turning away from our sins, but that’s only one part of it.

Change is hard and just saying try harder or be better isn’t always effective.

Romans 12:2 says “be transformed by the renewing of your mind” and in Proverbs 23:7 “for as he thinks in his soul, so is he”.

Transformation occurs when we renew our mind, when we change the way we think.

It’s when we change the way we think about ourselves and God and His will that we will see transformation.

It’s an overflow.

Better eating habits, laying aside bitterness, peace begin to flow when we start to think in line with how God thinks.

That’s why we have focused so much on the truth of God’s plan for your life and not ‘just do it, stop being lazy or stupid’.

The most effective change comes from metanoia.

Ask the Lord if there is an area of your thinking that needs to change. I’m sure there are many things. Remember God is kind and won’t ask you to change everything in one go.

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind – Romans 12:2

Day 5 – Habits