Day 3 – SOZO

The Greek word Sozo is translated a few ways into English in our Bibles.

Depending on the context it is sometimes translated as healed or at other times saved.

The same word refers to salvation (spirit), being healed (body) and being whole (spirit, body and soul).

Jesus healed blind eyes, and made whole broken hearts and released forgiveness and salvation. The word Sozo, speaks into all those situations.

The Lord knows you are a triune being (I guess that’s no surprise!)

And He is interested in supernaturally bringing wholeness into your life. Remeber He has come to bring us life to the full.

We can go for a walk to get fit and reduce stress, and we should do what we can ……. but we can also ask the Holy Spirit to heal us, to mend our broken hearts, to bring peace and forgiveness and so much more.

The good news : He is able to and it is His will.

Day 4 – Metanoia