Day 17- Loving God

When I’m trying to see change in my life, it seems it’s around the 2 week mark when I start to get tired or complacent, or discouraged and give up.

It’s probably a good time for us to step back a little, refocus if you need to, forgive yourself if you need to and above all, with humility, keep coming back to the grace/favour of God.

If possible, I love to summarise, to see the big picture and in the process keep it simple.

If you spend more of your time loving God and less time worrying about yourself (including improving yourself – even for godly reasons), you will find that He will lead you, guide you and transform you Himself.

Remember that when we worship we are transformed. He is the great transformer!

I know we’ve already touched on this topic, Day 11 in particular, but it is good to revisit again and again what is of the utmost importance.

Also be encouraged that when you Love God with all of your triune self (Mark 12:30) , there is an overflow.

Infact us loving God is an overflow of God’s love for us!

Day 18- Loving People