Day 24 – Boots

Boots firmly fitted are essential for fast and flexible responses to life and at times the enemy. Good boots allow us to jump higher, pivot quicker, walk further and so much more.

In our ‘upside down Kingdom’ we belong to, the boots Paul talks about is the ‘gospel of peace’.

We fight with the good news of ‘Shalom’ – which we usually translate as peace.

Shalom means peace, wholeness or completeness.
It’s so much more than the absence of conflict.

The ‘gospel’ or the royal declaration of good news is that ‘shalom’ is within reach.

Through Jesus we have everything we need and sharing that with others is the greatest endeavour we can embark on in this life.

Jesus said that He came to give us life to the full (Day 1 – John 10:10) and ‘shalom’ is a huge part of that…

And is part of the armour of God.

Day 25 – The Shield