Anzac Day

anzac day caves beach

“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life” Jesus (John 15:13).

Today as we gather to celebrate, honour and worship Jesus our King, we remember the men and women who have served us. We especially take time to remember those, that like Jesus, paid the ultimate sacrifice.

The Ode


We are so honoured to have you visiting with us today. Please make yourself at home, relax and enjoy the service. After the service we have a small morning tea and it would be great to be able to say hello over a cuppa.

New Song

Here’s the new worship song we did this morning, if you are interested in it.

Last Week’s Message

Last week’s message was such an important week for us at C3SB. God has given us an invitation to come before Him, to worship and intercede at the throne room. As this becomes our priority, what the weekly service looks like, what we do during the week, how we outreach and how we allocate our budget will begin to change.

Ps Belle and I are very excited about this small but significant change in direction.

Here’s the message which shares more about this.

This Week’s Message

Ps Belle is preaching this morning. We are praying you will be transformed more and more into the likeness of Jesus as she shares what is on God’s heart this morning.



A new roster will be up tomorrow, so please let Glenn know if there’s any dates you know you can’t do or need to make any changes. You can find the link to the roster at C3SB Central or you can just go to the current roster and click the new tab for May/June.

Worship and Prayer Night this Wednesday

7:30 this Wednesday we are having a worship and prayer night. Come along and enter the throne room together to honour the King. If you’d like to be involved please let Glenn know.

All our usual ministries are on this week too (SALT, youth, kids club and kids church, prayer etc). You can always check with your ministry leader if you are unsure.

Prayer Points

Ps Glenn is meeting with our federal MP tomorrow. Please be in prayer about that meeting and also other grants that are being applied for on behalf of the Rock.

Please be praying for wisdom, protection and strength as we refocus, and put our attention on God first and foremost!

Continue to uphold those that are unwell and our outreach activities.

God bless,