Wednesday 6th April

“Do not let your heart be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me” John 14:1

Your heart is your CPU, your central processing unit.

From your heart, all things flow. Proverbs 4:23

Disappointment, loss, shame, grief, betrayal and a bunch of other things can cause us to shut down our hearts to others, God and even ourselves.

Spiritual pain and the symptoms that come with it can sometimes be hard to diagnose. Sometimes developing over years.
That’s when we turn to other things to fulfil our lives. Sex, TV, substance abuse or whatever it might be ….

Just like how the Israelites weren’t immune to the last and worst of the plagues in Egypt, Christians aren’t immune to hearts being damaged.
And, the opposition will come and try and exploit this in believers.

Can I encourage you to seek healing in your heart …. walk through disappointment, grief, pain with the greatest of pastors, the Holy Spirit.
You can trust Him!

Bless you guys,