Resurrection Sunday

easter sunday at caves beach c3 southern beaches

He is Risen!

It’s so good to be celebrating our risen saving King, Jesus this morning with you!

We are praying for God’s richest blessings over you and yours this Easter.

He is risen indeed!

Bible Reading

John 20

Easter Egg Hunt

No kids church today or for the school holidays but we do have an awesome Easter Egg hunt after the service, so don’t forget to let the kids know.

Today’s Message

Ps Glenn

Last Week’s Message – Katharyn

Good Friday Service

If you missed our Good Friday service you can use the format for a time of private devotion something during the week. Here’s the link to our Good Friday service for this year.


The Rock

Please be praying for ‘the Rock’ this school holidays as we aim to connect meaningfully with our community and see a bunch of people sign up for memberships.

School Holidays

So we are on school holidays. Some ministries take a break during the school holidays so check with your leader to know if it’s on or not.

We would also love to some volunteers at ‘the rock’ over the holidays. See Beth or me (Glenn).


Pray for those that have come to our Easter Services. That the Lord will continue to draw them near to Him and we would have a great connection with those individuals and families.
Pray for speedy recovering for those that are unwell.
Pray that we more clearly hear God’s voice.
Holy Spirit, you are welcome here!

Visitor Info

We are so glad you were able to join us this morning. It’s a great pleasure to connect with you. Please join us after the service for some morning tea.

Here’s a little info on the church if that’s of any interest to you.

Our weekly service is at 10am on a Sunday at 1 Kayuga Close, Caves Beach. During the school term we have kids church (during the message at our 10am service), kids club (Fridays 3:30-5pm) and Youth group (7:30pm Friday’s).

We also have a service for the over 50’s called Salt on a Thursday.

Our Rock Climbing Gym is open to everyone all week too.

You are loved!

Ps Glenn and Belle and the team.

Click here for more info on what to expect at C3SB.