Sunday 21st March

Youth on Friday night was awesome, with 20 young people heading over to Spring Loaded for a bunch of fun and a great message from Ps Glenn.

Here’s a snippet of what happened.

This coming week the youth will be participating in a passover celebration!

Today’s Message – Worthy

Bible Reading – Revelation 5:9-10


Prayer Walks and Letterbox drops

Our 3rd week of doing some prayer walking and letterbox drops. We are doing some for the church and some for the Rock (which is still really the church). Come and see Glenn for more details.

Working Bee coming up in a few weeks

See Ian (Radar) for more details.

Prayer Thursday 10:15am

Our space is a house of prayer and we know that prayer not only transforms us for the better, prayer changes circumstances and is powerful. Come along and be impacted and be an impact for the Kingdom. (Matthew 11:12)

If giving online this morning you can use this link.